It's the one thing any runner tries to avoid, injuries.  Tuscaloosa Track Club President Ed Freeman discusses common sense ways to immediately help reduce your risk.

Ed's tips make a lot of sense and could help make a difference for you.

  1. Get good running shoes.  It's the most critical piece of equipment a runner owns. Picking the right shoe is more about matching your running style, rather than brand name.  Specialty running stores like Wagner's RunWalk in Tuscaloosa can properly assist.
  2. Spread out your running.  Doing too much too soon can often be a recipe for injury.  Allow for recovery days for your body, especially after a hard run or race.  Also, take gradual steps up when increasing the amount running mileage in a week.
  3. Vary your running terrain.  Concrete sidewalks are by far the hardest surface you could run, which may lead to more stress on your joints.  Pavement is a little softer, trails are even softer.  Treadmills offer a softer run too.  It just may be very tedious, without the distraction of scenery.  Rule of thumb here, mix things up for your feet and legs.

Watch the video below, as Ed and I talk more about staying injury-free as a runner on this episode of Inside Tuscaloosa Running!

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